What is cellulite?


Cellulite is the term given to fat deposits just below the skin, typically in the abdomen and lower pelvic region –  such as on the thighs and tush. There are a lot of reasons why cellulite is said to appear on your body including hormonal reasons, poor diet and lifestyle choices, age and genetic predisposition. While each of these factors can play a role in cellulite formation, there is one common denominator to all of these factors – the accumulation of toxicity in your body. That equals an awful lot of toxins which your body is not able to eliminate fully while you continue to feed yourself poor quality foods and don’t put special attention and effort into removing this accumulation.


Why do toxins have anything to do with whether you have cellulite?


Your body stores toxins in your fat to help minimize how much toxicity your vital organs are exposed to. This is why a skinny person with an unhealthy lifestyle can be in more danger of symptoms and sickness than a person who is slightly overweight and has an unhealthy lifestyle. They have the extra bit of fat for the body to store toxins in so that the precious vital organs and body functions are less compromised by exposure to those extra toxins. The dimples and pockets of your cellulite are also storing toxins. The key to reducing cellulite is to remove the accumulation of toxins from your body and prevent further build up of toxins.


  1. Eat a clean, alkaline, unprocessed diet


In order to remove the toxins from your body, you must first draw them out from where they have accumulated in your cells, tissues and organs.  The way to do this is to consume alkaline forming foods (meaning they leave an alkaline ash in the body). All fresh fruits and vegetables are alkaline and should make up the largest part of your diet. You might be thinking “can fresh fruits and vegetables really help me to reduce my cellulite?” Yes, they can when combined with the other tips provided. This is how it works: the alkalinity of these fresh, life force rich foods magnetizes to the acidic toxic matter in your cells, drawing it out so it can be removed from your body. The key is to gradually increase your fresh produce consumption (mostly vegetables) so that you don’t magnetize out more toxicity than the body can remove. Otherwise the toxins will just re-circulate and then re-settle. Baby steps and transition is vital, as is getting in tune with your own body and its signals so you know when to include more or when you are drawing out more toxicity than your body can handle.  If you want to flood your body with alkalinity and minimize cellulite (and ageing and other symptoms) get into fresh vegetable juicing.


  1. Hydrate and flush


You need to drink enough pure, clean water and organic hydration from fresh fruits and vegetables to keep toxins flushing through you. Water is essential to life and it is also essential to reducing and preventing further cellulite. Herbal tea is also great but avoid coffee and tea as much as possible and if you do choose to include them drink extra water and fresh vegetable juice to help counter their dehydrating effects and acidity.  Again, fresh vegetable juice is king.


  1. Swap your salt


Seriously, it can’t get any easier than this: swap your refined salt (table salt) for Celtic sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt.  Refined salt is extremely acidic and leaches minerals from your body. It is also highly dehydrating (hello cellulite!) and so refined that your body will need to use its vital life force to try to assimilate this dead salt. Refined salt only adds to the accumulation of toxicity in your body.  Crystal and sea salt however are alkaline, packed full of beneficial minerals, give to the body rather than take from it and have a fuller flavour…if you can notice the difference at all!  It’s a total no brainer. Get into your cupboards and throw away the refined stuff now.


Source:  http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-5479/7-Tips-to-Naturally-Reduce-Cellulite.html

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