Top 8 Healthy Foods On A Tight Budget

Today we look at some healthy foods that are great when you are on a tight budget.  We explain how you can build out your week with quality food.  Enjoy the show. Check out this...

Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress Reduction Techniques   Now if you asked me 15 years ago if this was important, I would have had a different answer.  With that being said, stress reduction is more important for some people to start with than exercise.  In 2016, more people spend their day in...

What Health Issues Does FDN Address?

What Health Issues Does FDN Address? The short answer is, “all of them”.   The Body is a System of Systems Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) is a fundamental way of looking at health. We try to avoid diagnosing and treating disease, and try very hard to help each...

The Canada Food Guide

The Canada Food Guide   This will just be a quick overview on the Canada Food Guide and why it is seriously flawed based on what I have already described above and from my own clinical experience.  Among other recommendations, it suggests 5 to 12 grain products a day...
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