Millennial Health Systems: MHS SPECTRAMINI

Some fascinating products that support brain and cellular health.  Many of my peers and mentors are seeing great results with their patients and I wanted to share.  FYI.  Leading edge science.   The Spectramini – User...

Red Light Therapy

I have been really researching red light therapy and the benefits many patients and practitioners have received in using it.  There are hundreds of medical papers supporting the validity of this type of therapy.  As always, do your homework first and then make an...


Many of my peers and mentors have been using this leading edge gut microbiome lab for an overall assessment of the individual’s health.  Their results have been promising and this is where the science is going.   What is...

How To Use Fear Before It Uses You

  Great article by Tony Robbins and the strategies to help you maximize your potential.  You have to take massive action and effectively execute.     Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear that we’re just not enough — fear is a common current that...
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