Foods That Heal The Gut

How to Heal the Gut   This is my favourite part of the gut section as it discusses how we can heal the gut.  As we have discussed, there are many variables that can disrupt your gut flora and microbiome.  This section will look at food as medicine.  What foods heal...

Dr. Sara Gottfried On Healing Your Gut

Hippocrates is famous for his quote: “All disease begins in the gut.” Even hormone problems! In fact, if you have any of the following issues, then there’s a good chance that you have leaky gut: 1. Food allergies or sensitivities 2. Autoimmune disorders 3. Poor...

Five Concepts That Help Prevent Cancer

Another great read from Dr. Mark Hyman 1. Eliminate food sensitivities. One major study found hidden gluten sensitivity could increase the risk of death, including by leading to heart disease and cancer. Which means that by just this mechanism alone, more than 20...

Get These Inflammatory Markers Checked

Today we look at four labs you should take in order to measure inflammation in the body and improve your overall health.  They are often overlooked but are so important to healing and vitality.  Enjoy the show. Check out this...

Probiotics vs Prebiotics and How They Can Help You

Today we differentiate between probiotics and prebiotics and what each of them does for your gut and health.  We look at what foods contain prebiotics and probiotics and how much you need to consume.  Enjoy the show.     Check out this...
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