Seven Tips To Improve Confidence

From Hay House and Dr. Wayne Dyer. 1. Remove Any and All Labels Old habits of thinking stick around, often for an entire lifetime, largely because you create internal reasons to reinforce and maintain them. These reasons, which I’m calling “excuses,” can become...

Overcoming Fear and Taking Chances in 2017

From Dr. Wayne Dyer   One of the most common questions people ask me is some variation on: How can I overcome fear and take a chance? A caller to my radio show, for example, couldn’t decide whether to take a job in a new city. It was a good job, but it would...

Forgive Yourself

From The Great Wayne Dyer   The act of forgiving yourself shows that you are living the awakened life. Many years ago, my sister-in-law made me a beautiful pillow that says, “I’m allowed.” For me, it is a reminder that I am allowed to live my life as I see fit,...

How To Reduce Stress

Stress Reduction Techniques   If you asked me 15 years ago if this was important, I would have had a different answer.  With that said, stress reduction is more important today for some people to start with than exercise.  In 2016, more people spend their day in...

Five Life Lessons From Jim Rohn

Lesson One: Your Personal Philosophy – The Set of the Sail Rohn explains that your personal philosophy is the major determining factor in how your life works out. Each person’s personal philosophy is the set of the sail. The winds of circumstance blow on us all, and...
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